
How AI is Fundamentally Reshaping Advertising: Key Applications Across Media

Kristaps Safranovs / September 6, 2023

Artificial intelligence is having a profound and accelerating impact on the advertising landscape. As Microsoft’s James Murray explores, AI integration is changing search behavior and unlocking major benefits for campaigns. We take a deeper look at how AI is transforming digital advertising and empowering breakthroughs across media channels.

Reimagining Search Advertising With AI

With Bing’s integration of ChatGPT, search queries have grown 3X longer as people have more natural conversations. Advertisers must evolve from targeting keywords to comprehending full contextual queries. AI can generate tailored ads highlighting different product benefits fitting the search context.

On Microsoft Advertising, AI creative wizards analyze product attributes to produce relevant ad options. And tools like Jarvis and can automate copywriting for search and all media. This expands creative scale and personalization.

Powering Breakthroughs Across Media

But AI’s advertising revolution extends far beyond search:

Display – AI is supercharging programmatic display. Automated creative optimization, personalized dynamic ads, and improved forecasting combine to boost performance. Platforms like tap AI to optimize each impression’s creative.

Social – Automated creative generation tailored for different social platforms is a game changer. Tools like and Phrazor produce thousands of on-brand, high-converting ads for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more.

Video/CTV – Audience targeting leverages AI analysis of first-party viewing data. Company-level insights inform programmatic ad buys. Startups like Canoe cater creative to different audience segments.

Audio – Dynamic audio ad creation uses AI to tailor voiceover, background music, sound effects, and more based on listener data and context. Brands like Shapiro Media leverage AI for data-driven audio ads.

OOH – Computer vision informs contextual ad placements based on locations. Data analysis optimizes targeting groups and timing. New dynamically generated DOOH formats grab attention.

The common thread is using AI to digest data, respond to environments, and execute optimizations and personalization at superhuman scale.

Unlocking Major Productivity Gains

AI also enables step-change productivity gains in advertising by augmenting human capabilities:

  • Creative brainstorming with tools like Anthropic’s Claude speeds up ideation.
  • Automated coding via GitHub Copilot accelerates development.
  • Competitive intelligence analysis is enhanced by Gridspace’s AI-powered platform.
  • Media mix modeling and forecasting becomes more predictive with solutions like MediaBrush AI.

This frees up staff time for higher value tasks by automating repetitive workflows. And AI unlocks new levels of speed, scale, and quality.

Top AI Tools to Test Now

Here are some highly valuable AI tools for advertising teams to try out:

  1. Jarvis – AI assistant for ideation, copywriting, competitive research, and more
  2. GitHub Copilot – Code generation to accelerate development
  3. DALL-E – Creative visual concepting and design
  4. Phrazor – AI copywriting optimized for social media
  5. MediaBrush – Predictive analytics and planning for optimal media mix
  6. Orbiter – What-if experimentation and market simulations
  7. Anthropic – Conversational AI assistant for diverse applications
  8. Synthesia – Video generation with branded virtual assistants
  9. Descript – Audio/video editing using voice commands
  10. Google Cloud – Vision AI, language APIs, AutoML, and more


AI brings immense opportunities across advertising from supercharging creativity to enabling major productivity gains. By proactively incorporating AI tools into workflows now, brands and agencies cement a head start on the future. With accelerating breakthroughs, AI will fundamentally reshape how advertising is practiced within the next 5 years.