
Key Takeaways from the Baltic Brand Forum 2019

Kristaps Safranovs / October 4, 2019

Lithuania is more open for new inovations, based on statistics!

If we are chanign the packacge, it is not the inovation.

Agency works on revenu share basis with startups.

Performance marketing – marketing activities which are measured by sales results.

Mozilla Firefox (~20% in LV) – do not allow 3d pary tracking

Les Binet – Head of Effectiveness at adam&eveDDB (UK)

!!! – Data base of campaigns and sales results.

10 Principles for effectivness

Effectivness in context

  1. Balance short and long term – sales activiation – get response from people now – tightly targeted. Make it easy to order – one click order. To generate growth, have to change the mindset – new values!

Short term is a problem in media industry, have to focus on long term!

2. Think broad – we focus too much on targeting, They do no know what they will do tomorrow.
Loyalty first strategy always fails.
Reach startegy is the best strategy – “Reach is far more important than targeting”

Reach is far more important than targeting

3. Maximise mental availibility – awarness, saliecne, fame

What drives fame?

4. Aim for fame – it cots money to go viral

7. Invest for growth – have to invest a lot, to achieve fame SOM (Share of market)

Balance between Share of Voice and Share of Market

8. Balance the budget – 60% brand/40% activisation

Optimal split between brand awarness and sales activisation

9. Use the right media for the right jobs – john lewis example. Publish new commercial before Christams each year.

Suggested Reading

Malcolm Devoy – Chief Strategy Officer for PHD EMEA (UK)

Fundamental drivers of sales effectivness
Personalise the product, not the advertising

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